Our First Officer programs commenced in 1996 and have given low time pilots with no airline experience from many areas (European Union, United States, Asia etc.) the unique opportunity to be provided with airline First Officer employment or experience during actual commercial flight operations. This is not simulator or flight school aviation flight time but rather the experience that can only be gained in actual flight operations on line with airlines as a First Officer. Our unique airline First Officer programs take place during actual airline commercial operations as no simulator training or flight school general aviation training can replace actual airline experience. This unique experience meets and exceeds the hiring requirements of most airlines worldwide when it does not already include direct employment with our partner airlines in Europe, United States or Asia.
Currently, the number of aircraft being utilized for Eagle Jet International's advanced First Officer employment and experience programs for low time pilots with contracted partner airlines totals over 400. With new employment and experience programs on the horizon, a continuous effort to build new programs is a never-ending task at Eagle Jet International. Our advanced training domiciles offer the most unique and challenging flight conditions for any pilot coming to us.
Our heavy jet programs primarily take place on the A320 and B737 NG, are for low time pilots, are based in the European area and in Asia and take place with our partner airlines. They include direct employment, type rating + employment or experience/line training.
Our multi crew certified regional jet and heavy turboprop First Officer programs for low time pilots from any country are based close to the USA and give pilots the opportunity to gain airline multi crew certified First Officer experience including operations to and from large international airports. This airline multi crew First Officer experience has been greatly appreciated by the many airlines worldwide which have been hiring our pilots during or upon completion of their program since 1996. For the past 10 years, many cadets have been sent to Eagle Jet International by their foreign major airline to attend our multi crew certified airline First Officer programs immediately upon obtaining their commercial pilot license with instrument and multiengine ratings.
We thank you for taking the time to visit our website and appreciate your interest in our many professional airline First Officer employment and experience programs.
mission statement
Eagle Jet International's main objective is to complete your initial career goal of getting hired by an airline in the most economical, professional, and above all, the safest manner possible in the shortest period of time.
Since the commencement of our airline first officer programs in 1996, several thousands of pilots have been hired by airlines worldwide while attending one of our programs or shortly after its completion.